Definitions | Television | Movies | Literature | Student Chosen |
What is Round Characters
a character in fiction whose personality, background, motives, and other features are fully delineated by the author
What is Flat Character
Sheldon Cooper
Flat Vs. Round |
What is Static Character
James Bond
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Flat Character
Benvolio (Romeo & Juliet)
Flat vs. Round |
What is Round Character
Schmidt (21 Jump Street)
Flat vs. Round |
What is Flat Characters
an easily recognized character type in fiction who may not be fully delineated but is useful in carrying out some narrative purpose of the author.
What is Static Character
Patrick Starr
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Character
Indiana Jones
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Character
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Character
Derek (Step Brothers)
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Characters
a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop
What is Static Character
Bart Simpson
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Character
Dory (Finding Nemo)
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Flat Character
Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Flat vs. Round |
What is Dynamic Character
Carl (Walking Dead)
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Dynamic Characters
a literary or dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, as a change in personality or attitude
What is Static Character
Stewie Griffith
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Round Character
Captain America
Round vs. Flat |
What is Round Character
Scout Finch
Flat vs. Round |
What is Round Character
Hazel (Fault in our Stars)
Flat vs. Round Character |
What is Characterization
the way in which the writer portrays the characters in a book, play, or movie
What is Dynamic Character
Clark Kent
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Round Character
Carl Fredricksen (UP!)
Flat vs. Round |
What is Dynamic Character
Rainsford (Most Dangerous Game)
Static vs. Dynamic |
What is Static Character
Dave (A Child Called "It")
Static vs. Dynamic |