Courage ( Are you man enough?) Hope ( Bet Your Bottom Dollar, I have a dream?) Grit ( fierce) Relatability (It's like you're my mirror) Quotations (Say what?)
Who is Jacob from Water for Elephants?
When his friend is paralyzed, this character takes him in and cares for him despite the risk of being killed in doing so.
Who is Dean Moriarity?
This character is always reluctant to go from place to place in belonging and always sees opportunity through traveling.
Who is Nancy Clutter from in Cold Blood?
This character shows perserverance in the fact that she has dignity and a smile when facing her killers. She even finds a ways to make a joke out of the robbers invading her house
Why did Doctor Proteus dislike his job in Illium?
He feels that the current society of the factories are toxic to the future of humanity and pities the people who have lost their jobs to the mechanized industry.
Who is Tim O' Brien from The Things They Carried?
"Even in my imagination, the shore just twenty yards away, I couldn't make myself be brave. Embarrassment, that's all it was" (59)
Who is Anotnina from The Zookeeper's Wife?
Even with facing the crime of death when hiding Jews, this character shows courage by risking her free life for others in trouble during WW2
Who is Anotnina from The Zookeeper's Wife?
This character brings hope to others by giving them lodging and work to acclimate back to their normal lifestyle before the Nazi's take power
Who is Captain Yossarian from Catch-22?
He flies over fifty bomber mission against his will and the limit of missions he needs to complete constantly rises
Who is Tim O'Brien from The Things They Carried?
This person was thinking of running away, but really he just needed time to think about what he had to lose. He shows the process each person goes through to make an important life changing decision.
Who is Captain Yossarian from Catch-22?
"It's cruel, that's why."
What is spectacular act does Paul admit to after he is fired?
When he was asked who was the leader of the Ghost Shirt Society, Paul spoke against it at this point in the novel.
What is Paul's time investment after quitting his job?
Paul from Player Piano founds the Ghost Shirt Society
Who is Antonina from the Zookeeper's Wife?
This character has the grit to push herself to get an education and go to college even after her parents were killed in the Russian Revolution
Who is Antonina from the Zookeeper's Wife
This character finds herself not being to realize her consequences and when the people are hiding in the fire incident with the gestapo
Who is Jacob from Water for Elephants?
"My heart pounds so hard that, despite the roaring of the crowd, I am aware of blood whooshing through my ears. I am filled to overflowing, bursting with love" (202).
Who is Captain Yossarian from Catch-22?
This character was brave enough to defy the U.S. military because they were putting unreasonable stains on him and the other pilots
What is Water for Elephants?
This novel ends with the idea of hope through an old man once again achieving his dream and reliving his youth in the circus
Who is Dean Moriarity from On the Road?
This person never shows any hesitation when he speaks and is never satisfied with what he has. He continues to challenge relevant issues for the time period throughout the novel
Who is Mr. Clutter from In Cold Blood?
Even though he is strongly against addictive substances, when he comes upon stress in his life he secretly seeks comfort in cigarettes
Who is Paul from Player Piano?
"I am but I wish to God I was a better one." (310)
Who is Mr. Clutter from In Cold Blood?
ced with armed robbers, this character stays calm for himself and his family
Who is Captain Yossarian from Catch-22?
This character has constant hope that he will be free to return home and never have to fly in a bomber anymore
Who is Jacob from Water for Elephants?
This character is able to push through the tragedy of his parent's death and find a lifelong passion
What is promiscuity, poetic arts, and alcoholism?
By using these methods Dean Moriarity reveals his weaknesses and longing for companionship
What describes Mr. Clutter?
"He was known for his equanimity, his charitableness, and the fact that he paid good wages and distributed frequent bonuses; the men who worked for him...had small reason to complain" (10)

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