Infectious Disease | The Immune System | Immune System Disorders | The Environment & Your Health |
What causes disease?
Some diseases are produced by agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Others are caused b materials in the environment, such as cigarette smoke. Still others, such as hemophilia, are inherited.
What is immunity?
The ____________ is to fight infection through the production of cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells.
What is allergies?
The most common overreactions of the immune system to antigens are known as _________.
What is air and water quality, poisonous wastes in landfills, and exposure to solar radiation?
What environmental factors affect your health?
How are infectious diseases transmitted?
Some infectious diseases are spread from one person to another through coughing, sneezing, or physical contact. Other infectious diseases are spread through contaminated water or food. Still others are spread through contaminated water or food. Still othe
What is the skin?
Your body's most important nonspecific defense is ____.
What is autoimmune disease?
When the immune system makes a mistake and attacks the body's own cells, it produces an __________.
What is carcinogens?
Chemical compounds that are known to cause cancer.
What is the germ theory of disease?
The observations of Pasteur and Koch led them to conclude that infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms of different types, commonly called germs.
What is inflammatory response?
A nonspecific defense reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection.
What is asthma?
A chronic respiratory disease in which the air passages become narrower than normal.
What is Smog?
A mixture of chemicals that appears in the atmosphere as a gray-brown haze.
What is a pathogens?
Disease-causing agents are called _________, which means "sickness-makers". Diseases caused by _________ are generally called infectious diseases.
What is an antigen?
A substance that triggers the immune response is known as an _______.
What is histamines?
The activated mast cells release chemicals known as __________.
What is a risk factor?
Anything that increases the chance of disease or injury.
What is Koch's postulates?
From his studies with various bacteria, Koch developed a series of rules still used today to identify the microorganism that causes specific disease.
What is antibodies?
Proteins that recognize and bind to antigens.
What is the only no-risk behavior with respect to HIV and AIDS is abstinence?
How can IDS be prevented?
What is a healthful diet, exercise and rest, abstaining from harmful activities, having regular checkups.
How can you maintain your health?