color | color schemes | nature and uses of color | history of art book | mood painting |
what is another word for color?
is the combination of one hue plus the hue on each side of its complement
what are split complements?
are finely ground, colored powders that form paint when mixed with binder
what is a pigment?
the gospels
what is the color spectrum star book called?
kuna people Of Panama
who made the mola
is an element of art that is derived from reflected light
what is color?
red, orange, and yellow
what are the warm colors?
a material that holds together the grain of pigment
what is binder?
from what was it made from?
the front and backs of blouses
what are mola's made of?
is the art element that describes the darkness or lightness of a color
what is value?
blue, green, and violet
what are the cool colors?
is the liquid that controls the thickness or the thinness of the paint
what is solvent
it was carved and hammered
how was the book made?
by sewing together layers of colored fabric and adding decorative needlework to the top layer
How are molas made?
the color opposite each other on the color wheel
what are complementary color?
a color scheme that uses only one hue and the tints and shades of that hue
What is a monochromatic color scheme?
illusions of depth
the placement of warm and cool colors can creat what?
middle ages
from what time period is the book from?
pre-Columbian pottery
many of the designs are similar to those found on what?
the brightness or dullness of a color
what is intensity?
colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue
what are analogous colors?
colors can creat a sense of what?
gold leafs
what was the book covered in?
colorful work
what type of works are molas?