Groups | Teamwork | Types of teams | Effectiveness | Other Vocab |
What is a group?
Two or more freely interacting people with shared norms and goals and a common identity.
What is a team?
Small group with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for common purpose, goals, and approach.
What is Self-managed Teams
Groups of employees granted administrative oversight for their work.
What is groupthink and social loafing?
The two major threats to group effectiveness.
What is a formal group?
A group formed by an organization.
What is an informal group?
Groups formed primarily by friendship.
What is trust?
A "Key ingredient" of teamwork.
What is cross-functionalism?
Team made up of technical specialists from different areas.
What are self-managed teams?
This type of team proves to have a positive effect on productivity.
What is maintenance roles?
Relationship-building group behavior.
What is group cohesiveness?
A "we feeling" binding group members together.
What is trust?
Reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors.
What is virtual teams?
Information technology allows group members in different locations to conduct business.
What is groupthink?
A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group.
What is norm?
Shared attitudes, opinions, feelings, or actions that guide social behavior.
What is roles?
Expected behaviors for a given position.
What is team building?
Experiential learning aimed at better internal functioning of groups.
What is empowering?
When a self-managed team advisor is delegating decision-making authority, facilitating team decision-making process, coaching.
Who is Irving Janis?
The founder of the term groupthink.
What is ostracism?
Rejection by other group members.
What is Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning?
The 5 stages of Group Development according to Bruce Tuchman.
What is support?
Being available and approachable. Providing help, advice, coaching, and support for team members.
(hint: building trust) |
What is Virtual groups?
The type of group that has a development process most similar to that for face-to-face groups.
What is Invulnerability?
The first symptom of group think.
What is Social Loafing?
Decrease in individual effort as group size increases.