Sexual/Affectional Orientations & Identities | Sexuality In Infancy - Adolescents | Sexuality in Adults + | Relationships & Sex | Prejudice & Identity Disclosure |
Kinsey's Scale
What is the best-known method of measuring sexual/affectional orientation?
A mother encouraging her 7 year old daughter to wear makeup to school is an example of what?
Casual Sex
What kind of sexual encounters appears to be increasingly common, especially among younger adults?
attractiveness; personality
Men are more inclined to look for __________ in a potential partner
Women place more value on _________ in a potential partner |
SGD people feel like they must hide or ignore same-sex attractions, even convincing themselves that they are not attracted to members of their same-sex
What is homonegativity?
Asexuality - may have sex just to communicate their love for partner, keep relationship stable even if they don't have interest or desire in it
What is maintenance sex? Which sexual/affectional orientation/identity was it discussed in regards to?
Indifferent Phallus
At 9 weeks of gestation the ______________ develops, general to all fetuses.
At 12 weeks, it develops into either a penis or clitoris. |
Sensual and emotional process that creates intimacy & that it is complex
As adults gain experience w diff types of relationships, they understand sex can be more than physical sensations. What else do they realize it is?
Relationships formed
What is the most visible display of affectional orientation and sexual identity?
They held more positive views of it than other cultures!
only for men on men tho only for rich people tho
How did ancient Greeks view same-sex behaviour?
too limited, overemphasizes sexual aspects of orientation, oversimplifies orientation, political history of classifying people only on their behaviours
Why is the term "sexual orientation" being moved away from?
Suggested that this period (preadolescence (8-12)) is where interest in sex and sexuality decreases.
Research suggests opposite; it increases during this age - especially around 10
What is the latency period (as suggested by Freud ????????) and is it proven by research?
Life stage where ovaries begin to produce less estrogen and progesterone; starts in the mid-late 40s
What is perimenopause and what hormonal changes does it entail?
Gay couples have the most sex; lesbians have the least
gay couples: mutual masturbation lesbian couples: oral sex
What couples have the most sex? What couples have the least? What is their most prevalent sexual practice?
From child displaying less common gender interests, earlier childhood disclosure
Or parents are not homophobic so more sensitive to early signs of possible same-sex orientation
Parents may be aware of their child's orientation before their child discloses it to them based on what?
1. Identity confusion
2. identity comparison 3. identity tolerance 4. identitty acceptance 5. identity pride 6. synthesis
What are Cass's 6 stages of realizing you are gay?
First sexual experience - Emotional reaction to first intercourse is related to later adult sexual adjustment
What is one of the most significant sexual events that may occur during adolescence? Why is it so significant?
Functional aspects of genital sexual responses - Significant individual differences that determine how older adults experience changes in sexuality are ignored
Research tends to focus on what aspects of sexuality in older adulthood? What is ignored?
Lesbian couples <3
- Desire for and achievement of equality in their relationships - High value placed on emotional intimacy - Attachment styles - Ability to resolve conflict - High levels of self-esteem - Social support they garner for lives together
What couples report the greatest relationship satisfaction? List at least 2 reasons why?
Brazil - only masc gay men
Mexico, Philippines - only tops in gay men Thailand - cross dressing is hated, unless you're a trans entertainer (very popular)
Name a country where only some expressions of SGD are accepted and detail the extent.
Denial & Self-Loathing - #internalizedhomophobia
Self-identification process (of being gay) becomes blocked through which destructive defence mechanisms?
1. Teens are increasingly likely to have a series of monogamous sexual relationships
2. Consistent condom use decreases among sexually active young people from 15-17 to 18-19 3. Teens are more likely to be worried about preventing pregnancy than protecting themselves from STIs 4. Many teens wrongly believe that oral is less risky, more prevalent and more acceptable than pen-vag intercourse 5. Wrongly believe they do not need to use a condom if they are using other methods of birth control (i.e. the pill) and they have a "faithful partner"
Risk of acquiring STI's increases in teenage years (15+). List at least 3 reasons why this may be.
Age - the younger you marry, the more likely you are to divorce
Religion - protective effect: those who attend even a few religious services a year are less likely Previous Divorce - if you have previously been divorced, more likely to do it again
3 factors more likely to make divorce more likely? Explain
Many aspects of lesbian sex are not considered "sex" - considered foreplay by heteros since no penile penetration
Why is there difficulty finding literature about lesbian sex?
SGD-affirmation Therapy
- Offered by people who view SGD people as equals and deserving of equal rights - May hold and practice from any theoretical orientation (psychodynamic, behavioural) - Important that their attitude and beliefs are affirming SGD individuals
What is a healthy alternative to conversion therapy? Explain some features of it.