Vocabulary 1 | Vocabulary 2 | Section 1 worksheet | Section 3 worksheet | Citizenship Exam |
To send a person back to his country is called
The love for one's country is called
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The mass movement of people from one place to another is called
13 colonies
What do the stripes on the flag represent
The study of the rights and duties of citizens is called
The type of government where the people rule is called
National, State, Local
What are the three levels of government
Someone coming from another country to live here permanently is called an
Joe Biden
Who is the current Vice President of the United States
A type of government that is ruled by only one person is called a
The attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11 is an example of
Describe what Majority Rule means
People from Africa
What group of people did not coming to the United States willingly?
How many Senators are in the United States Senate
The ruling authority for a community is called its
The process in which immigrants become citizens is called
Describe a Representative Democracy
Land of Promise
What was the nickname given to the United States by people living in Europe after we gained our independence?
Germany, Italy, Japan
What countries were we at war with during WWII
Direct Democracy
The type of government where everyone votes on every single issue is called
A person who has come to the United States, but doesn't intend to stay here permanently is called an
Keep Order, Provide Security, Provide Services, and Guide the Community
What are the four functions of government
Between which years did the largest wave of Immigrants come to America? 22 million
Patrick Henry
Who said "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"