Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Mixed Lessons 1-4 |
What is frontier
the edge of a settled area
A cone-shaped dwelling made of poles and animal hides
a group movement from one region to another
a large machine used to harvest crops
How much did the government charge settlers per acre when moving to the Middle West
What is pioneer
a person who leads the way
Sitting Bull
Lakota chief who did not want war, but refused to give up his land promised to his people
assembly line
a line of workers and machines, along which a product is moved as it's made
a farm or a ranch which is combined with others businesses, such as food processing
seeds flour tools
Name 2 items the pioneers would take with them in their Conestoga Wagon
land was cheap and more area
The main reason settlers moved across the Appalachian Mountains into the Middle West
What did Lakota people use originally to pull sleds loaded with goods
Henry Ford
an engineer who designed and built the automobile to run on engine power
Chicago, IL
Where is the tallest skyscraper located?
They learned to catch wild horses that escaped from the Spanish explorers
How did Lakota eventually get horses
Ohio River Valley
Where did most settle once they crossed the Appalachian Mountains
South Dakota reservation
Where were the Lakota forced to move to end the fighting over the buffalo
Amelia Earhart
the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
This is a popular industry in the middle west
This was discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota
horseback water wagons
Name the 4 different ways settlers traveled to the Middle West
horns hair bones meat
Name the 5 parts of the buffalo that the Lakota people used. They were known for using every part of the buffalo compared to the other hunters
Detroit, Michigan
This was known as the Motor City
to check weather forecasts
budget for buying seeds
What are 2 ways farmers use computers to help with farming
He walked 3 miles to return money to a customer who was overpaid.
Why was Abraham Lincoln known as "Honest Abe"