The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology | Thinking | Intelligence | Language | Thinking, Problem Solving, and Health and Wellness |
What is the brain
What organ, that is very important to psychology, aware of itself?
What is function fixedness
Failing to solve a problem as a result of fixation on a thing’s usual functions.
What is intelligence quotient
What does IQ stand for?
What is morphology
A language’s rules for word formation.
What is coping
What involves managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to solve life’s problems, and seeking to master or reduce stress?
What is the computer
What type of technology changed the way we are able to think?
What is thinking
The process of manipulating information mentally by forming concepts, solving problems, making decisions, and reflecting critically or creatively.
What is IQ
What equals (MA/CA) x 100?
What is language
A form of communication—whether spoken, written, or signed—that is based on a system of symbols.
What is primary apprasial
In ___ individuals interpret whether an event involves harm or loss that has already occurred, a threat of some future danger, or a challenge to be overcome.
What is cognitive psychologists
Who uses computers as an analogy to explain the relationship between cognition and the brain?
What is deductive reasoning
Reasoning from a general case that is known to be true to a specific instance.
What is gifted
What are people called that have an IQ of 130 or higher?
What is the cerebellum
Part of the brain that plays a role in perceiving new sounds.
What is secondary appraisal
What means evaluating our resources and determining how effectively they can be used to cope with the event?
What is artificial intelligence
What focuses on creating machines capable of performing activities?
What are subgoals
What are intermediate goals or intermediate problems that we devise to put us in a otter position for reaching a final goal or solution?
What is analytical intelligence
The ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, contrast.
What is syntax
A language’s rules for combining words to form acceptable phrases and sentences.
What is cognitive
Regulating one’s feelings about an experience by reinterpreting that experience or thinking about it in a different way or from a different angle.
Who is John von Neumann
Who developed the first modern computer?
What is inductive reasoning
What involves reasoning from specific observations to make generalizations?
Who is Albert Binet
Who invented the first intelligence test?
Who is Benjamin Whorf
In language, who is a linguist that went a step further and argued that language determines the way we think, a view that has been called the linguistic relativity hypothesis.
What is cognitive appraisal
Interpreting the events and experiences in one’s life as harmful and threatening, or as challenging, and determining whether one has the resources to cope effectively.