Fraud and the Relationship to Control | Internal Control | Organizational Governance | Implications of Computer Abuse and Fraud | Ethical Considerations |
What is Management
Who is responsible for preventing fraud?
What is COSO
What does the Fox say when he needs to follow a framework for internal control?
What is Enterprise Risk Management
What does ERM stand for?
What is Key Logging
This computer scam tracks what data you type on web sites.
What is Reward Systems
What can pressure employees to meet unrealistic performance targets which can cause unethical behavior?
What is Increase
Does fraud increase or decrease in times of financial hardship?
What is Control Environment
What is the foundation for all other components of internal control, providing discipline and structure?
What is Publically traded companies
What kind of company does the Sarbanes Oxley Act effect?
What are viruses.
These change the software codes and can reproduce.
What is Formal Ethics Policies
What can lower internal control costs?
What are Hotlines, and fraud prevention programs.
Besides internal controls and audits, what other measures should a company take to prevent fruad?
What is Enterprise risk management
What integrated framework did COSO issue?
What is 2002
Sarbanes Oxley was put into effect in what year?
What is a zombie.
Not just a popular tv genre, this program can turn your computer into one.
What is Corporate Culture
Ethical behvior should be included where?
What is 100,000
What the median loss caused by fraud in the U.S. in the 2014 ACFE report?
Who are The people who operated it
The strength of any control system is largely a function of?
What is Internal Enviornment, objective setting, Event Identification, risk assesment, risk response, information and comunication, and monitoring
What are 3 of the 8 categories that comprise the ERM framework?
What is Malware.
Malicious Software is more commonly referred to by this name.
What is illegal or improper payments, conflicts of interest, insider trading, computer ethics, and software piracy
What should be addressed in a corporate code of conduct?
Who is Elizabeth
What is Kurt's wife's name?