Color | Hue | Value | Intensity | Complementary colors |
What is color?
The most expressive element of art.
What is Hue?
Is the name of a color in the color spectrum
What is value?
The art element that describes the darkness or lightness of a color
What is intensity?
The brightness or dullness of a hue
What is complementary colors?
The strongest contrast of a hue is produced by
What is spectrum?
A rainbow is a natural example of
What is primary colors?
Secondary hues are made by mixing two
What is neutral colors?
Black,white, and grey are what colors
What is complementary colors?
Are the colors opposite of each other on the color wheel.
What is 3 colors
A colored triad is composed of
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet?
The color of the spectrum always appear in what order
What is color wheel?
The spectrum bent into a circle
What is black or white
How can you change the color of any hue
What is lowers its intensity
Mixing a hue with its complement dulls the hue and
What is split complements
The combination of one hue plus the hues of each side of its compliment are
What is light waves?
We see color because objects absorb
What is CMYK color system?
Another color system is used by systems
What is white
A tint is created by using what
What is dominant
The hue used in the greatest amount in a mixture becomes
What is relative
The amount of warmth or coolness is
What is color spectrum?
When light passes through a wedge shaped glass, called a prism, the beam of white light is bent and separated into bands of color, called the
What is RGB?
What colors are created by adding light
What is a low key painting
Shades create what
What is hue,value, and intensity?
What doesn't operate independently
What is warm and cool?
Sometimes the colors are divided into two groups called