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What is a natural rsource.
I am a material found in nature that can be used by people.
What is biodegradable.
I break down easily.
What is the water cycle.
I am a natural process that replenishes the water supply.
What is a fossil fuel.
I am formed from the remains of plants and animals.
What is a renewable resource.
I am a resource that if used wisely should not run out.
What is biodegradable products.
Tissues are an example of me.
What is air.
I am a natural resource that surrounds us.
What is coal, oil, or natural gas.
I am an example of a fossil fuel.
What is a nonrenewable resource.
I am a resource that takes a long time to replenish.
What is what is an animal.
Yogurt is made from me.
What is percipitation.
I am water that falls to Earth.
What is oil.
plastics are made from me.
What is a renewable resource.
Water is an example of me.
What is a plant.
A cotton shirt is made from me.
What is evaporation.
I am the process in which liquid water turns to vapor.
What is a pollutant.
I cause water, air, or soil pollution.
What is a nonrenewable resource.
Gas is an example of me.
What is the remains of living things.
I make up humus.
What is condensation.
I am the process in which vapor changes to water droplets.
What is conservation.
I encourage people to use resources wisely.