GPD | GNP | Population | Population Growth | Income |
What is GPD?
Gross Domestic Product
What is GNP?
Gross National Product
What is Urban Population?
People living in incorporated cities.
What is Demograpghers?
People who study the growth of populations.
What is poverty threshold?
benchmark used to evaluate the income that people receive.
What is Gross Domestic Product in depth?
The comprehensive measure of national output.
What is the Unrelated indavidual?
Person who lives alone even though he or she may have family living elsewhere.
What is Rural Population?
People who live in sepreate populated ares.
What is fertility rate?
Number of births and chance a woman has to get fertile.
What is poverty gidelines?
Administrative guides used to determine eligabilty for certain fed. programs.
What is intermediate products?
Goods used to make other products already counted in GPD
What is Family?
Group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
What is Center of Population?
Point where country would balance if everyone weighed the same
What is Life Expectancy.
Average expected age of a person.
What is Lorenze curve?
Distribution of income.
What is second hand sales?
The sales of used goods.
What is Output Expenditure Model?
GPD = C+I+G+(X-M)
What is Infrastructure?
Highways, levees, mass transit, communication systems.
What is net immagation?
Overall change in population due to immagration.
What is welfare?
Social assistance to the unemployed.
What is non-market transactions?
Economic activities that do not generate expenditures in the market.
What is Census?
Calculation and number of persons in the United States.
What is the baby boom?
Large number of births from 1946 - 1964
What is the effect of population growth on economic growth?
More people, more economic market oppertunities.
What is Food stamps?
Tickets for food instead of money.l