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What is an abolitionist
Who is the person who works to end slavery?
What is c. They feared he would try to ban slavery in all states.
Why did Lincoln's election as President lead southern states to secede?
a. They did not believe he was an honest politician b.They were in favor of abolition. c. They feared he would try to ban slavery in all states. d. They wanted to remain loyal to th |
What is D. planters wanted free slave labor to make money for their crops.
Why did southern planters disagree with northerners about slavery?
a. Southern planters believed all new states should be free states. B. Many southern planters believed that slavery was wrong. c. Planters wanted to build factories in the South like the |
What is B. it helps them find jobs.
How did the federal government help former African Americans slaves during Reconstruction?
a. It establishes all-black communities b. It helps them find jobs. c. it passed the Black Codes d. It made laws against discrimination |
What is reconstruction helped the African Americans.
Who did reconstruction help?
What is seceding.
If you separate from the rest of the country and form a new nation what are you doing?
Who is Abraham Lincoln
In 1860, ________ was elected President.
Who were white women and children, enslaved Africans, some white planters, overseers, and older men.
Who remained in Florida when the Civil War began?
What is a plan to rebuild the South and provide a way for the states of the Confederacy to rejoin the United States.
What was the goal of reconstruction?
What is the economy.
In Florida the growing __________ created business opportunities.
What is a blockade.
A military obstacle that prevents movement in and out of a place is called a what?
What is he was against slavery
Many southerners disagreed with him because.....
What is women ran homes, farms, and businesses. They worked in fields, tended animals, and hunted for food. In planter families, they also acted as overseers on plantations.
What new responsibilities did women take on?
What is wrote the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, which described the cruelty of slavery before the Civil War. She moved to the Jacksonville area and helped establish schools for African Americans.
What were some of the contributions of Harriet Beecher Stowe?
What is natural resources
The state's __________ ___________ such as forests and farmland, helped people earn money.
What is suffrage.
What is the term for the right to vote?
Who were Free Africans and white abolitionists
Some Floridians disagreed. Who were the two groups of people that did not want to leave the Union?
What is All slaves in the Confederacy would become free on January 1, 1863.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation declare?
What is the white people.
The end of reconstruction hurt who?
What is mild climate.
Florida's _____ _________ attracted visitors from the North.
What is to surrender
To stop fighting and give up is what?
What is she created and ran hospitals to care for wounded Confederate soldiers.
What did Mary Martha Reid contribute to Florida?
What is life became even harder because supplies went to white Floridians first. Slaves faced even greater shortages of food clothing, and other goods.
How was the daily life of Florida's enslaved African Americans affected by the war?
What is they lost at least one member of their family to the war, businesses and farms needed rebuilding, food clothing and money were scarce, white residents and newly freed slaves also needed to learn how to cooperate in a new way of life, and they need
Name two challenges that Floridians faced when they returned from the Civil War.
What is to build a railroad.
Steamship cruises and resorts became popular. To help the state continue to grow, Henry S. Sanford convinced investors to what?