The Constitution | Government Structure | Political Parties | Miscellanous | Lyrics |
To limit the powers of the government
Why was the constitution written?
How many senators does each state send to the U.S. Congress?
Democratic Party
This party believes in Civil Rights protection
CanadaPacific Ocean
What borders the state of Washington to the West?
David Guetta
"I can't win, I can't reign
James Madison
Who is the father of the constitution?
How many Supreme Court justices are there?
Republican Party
This party believes in not penalizing wealthy people
Jay Inslee
Who is our governor?
"I used to rule the world"
Multiple answers accepted
Name 1 Amendment
No single branch can get too powerful
Why do we have checks and balances in government?
Republican Party
This party believes in government downsizing
Rainbow Trout
What is Washington's state fish?
Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect)
"I got my ticket for the long way round"
Multiple answers accepted
Name 1 Amendment
Legislative, Judicia,l and Executive
What are the 3 branches of government?
Democrat Party
This party believes in Environmental Protection
To protect people and their rights
Why do people need rules and laws
"..let your body move to the music"
Multiple answers accepted
Name 1 Amendment
Federal, State, and Local
What are the 3 levels of government? (Not branches)
Multiple answers
Name another political party that is NOT Democrat or Republican
Government by the people
What is a democracy?
The Bangles
"It's just another manic Monday"