Vocabulary | Anxiety Disorders and Symptoms | Phobias | Knowing the disorder | Where to find help |
What is a disorder
A disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body
What is an intense or exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
What is fear of heights
What is passive-aggressive personality disorder
If you have a hard time cooperating with others, you might have this disorder?
What is family therapy
This type of therapy seeks to improve troubled family relationships
What is therapy
It is an approach that teaches you different ways of thinking or habaving
What is withdrawal or depression after a distressing experience such as sexual abuse, a natural disaster, an accident, or witnessing violence
Post traumatic stress disorder
What is fear of home
What is borderline personality disorder
If you have a trouble in close relationships with others because you tend to idealize that person, you might have this disorder?
What is cognitive behavioral therapy
If you are participating in this type of therapy, you are learning to identify negative and distorted thinking patterns and find positive affirmations.
What is phobia
An exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
What is restlessness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance.
Generalized anxiety disorder
What is fear of night
What is bipolar disorder.
If you suffer from mood cycles, having extreme highs and lows, you might be suffering from this disorder?
What is psychologist
This mental health professional is trained and licensed by the state to perform therapy only
What is anxiety disorder
A disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally
What is pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of losing control.
Panic Disorder
What is fear of water
What is manic depressive
This is another name for bipolar disorder
What is a psychiatrist
This medical doctor with a specialty in the treatment of mental health problems who can typically prescribe medications.
What is schizophrenia
A severe mental disorder in which people lose contact with reality
What is a need to perform behaviors over and over again, such as hand washing, counting, hoarding, or arranging possessions.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
What is fear of animals
What is major depression.
If you suffer from very serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything, they could be suffering from this?
What is clinical social worker
This is a licensed, certified mental health professional with a master's degree in social work