Important People | Indian Groups | Land and Water | Animals |
Who is the person that founded Rhode Island and the first Baptist church?
Roger Williams
Who lived in longhouses?
Iroquois Indians
What is the second largest and saltiest ocean?
The Atlantic Ocean
What is America's national bird?
The bald eagle
Who was the "Apostle to the Indians?" and wrote the Bible in the Indian language?
John Eliot
Who was known for their burial mounds?
Hopewell Indians
What is the largest known underground cave system in the world
Mammoth Cave
What animal did the Indians use for meat and clothing?
The black bear
Who, despite his disease, with the help of an interpreter, preached to the Indians and died at 29?
David Brainerd
Which Indian tribes name means "southerner?"
Shawnee Indians
What is the name of the most predominent landform in the Eastern United States?
Appalaccian Mountains
What animal is also called the American elk?
Who was a Mohawk chief that translated Scripture into his people's language?
Joseph Brant
What tribe joined the Pilgrims for Thanksgiving?
Wamsponoag Indians
What are two flowering trees found in the Eastern United States?
Redbud, Hawthorne, Tulip Poplar, Dogwood, Locust
What animal was the most important prey for the woodland indians?
Who was the Shawnee who fought to keep the white man away?
What tribe kept a pictorial chronicle of their history?
Delaware Indians
What plateau lies between the Appalachian's and the
coastal plain?
Piedmont Plateau
What animal did the Indians use the shell of to make beads called wampum?