All About The Media (Multiple Choice) Key Terms Elements of a Press Kit Types of Releases Miscellaneous
What is d. establish ground rules early?
When dealing with the media, you should
a. Always follow up on stories that have not been printed or aired
b. Give the media what you want, and not necessarily what they want
c. Give them as many press releases as possible
d. Establish ground ru
What is Message Strategy?
Developing a message, or messages, that will reach and have the desired effect on your target audience.
What is a Pitch Letter?
Alerts the news media to upcoming items of interest to their constituents and is a good way to let them know what’s happening and why they should be paying attention.
What are Tips/Hints Releases?
News releases typically uses outline format with plenty of bulleted items.
What is Primary Research?
Data collected for the first time and specifically for the project at hand.
What is b.avoid answering questions that are a matter of public record?
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for media interviews?
a. provide background
b. avoid answering questions that are a matter of public record
c. know the topic
d. assume that everything is on the record
What are Parity Products?
Emotional appeals often used to sell products that are virtually indistinguishable from other similar products.
What is a Media Advisory?
A brief introduction to a subject you intend to cover in more detail in press releases, backgrounders or other publicity pieces.
What are Financial Releases?
News releases used primarily in shareholder relations and financial media.
What is b. television surveys?
Which of the following is NOT one of the most common methods of survey data collection?
a. telephone interview
b. television surveys
c. face-to-face interview
d. mailed questionnaire
What is a. the directory should be very expensive?
Which of the following is NOT a consideration when choosing a media directory?
a. the directory should be very expensive
b. the directory should be current
c. the directory should cover the geographic area in which you operate
d.the directory should list
What are Objectives?
The concrete steps you need to take in order to reach your goals.
What is a Fact Sheet?
This should accompany a news release if you have several figures, charts or a number of itemized points that you want to make.
What are broadcast releases?
Simplification is key to writing this type of release.

What is a. motivated sequence?
Which of the following uses attention, need, satisfaction, support and action as a persuasive tactic?
a. motivated sequence
b. argument strategy
c. narration
d. coercion
What is a. guarantee a purchase of advertising?
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for interviews.
a. guarantee a purchase of advertising
b. keep everything on the record.
c. know your topic
d. provide background
What is Identification?
The persuasive strategy that says that people will relate to an idea, opinion, or point of view.
What is c. commercials?
When providing a press kit to the media for a press conference, which of the following would NOT be
a. a cover letter
b. biographies on any key individuals
c. commercials
d. news releases
What is Feature News Story?
This type of news story would allow you NOT to use the inverted pyramid style in your news release.

What is d. your relationship with the media outlet?
Which of the following is NOT a consideration when choosing the right medium for your message.
a. When do you need to reach the audience in order for your message to be effective?
b. How much do you need to spend to reach your intended audience, and how m
What is b. Television is relatively expensive in terms of creative, production, and airtime costs?
Which of the following is a disadvantage of using television as a media selection?
a. Television has the perception of being immediate
b. Television is relatively expensive in terms of creative, production, and airtime costs.
c. Television provides high m
What is Central Route?
A technique used by people who think about messages extensively before becoming persuaded.
What are backgrounders?
Basic information pieces providing background as an aid to reporters, editors, executives, employees and spokespersons.
What are Product Releases?
News releases that are usually targeted to trade publications within individual industries and places an emphasis on covering information occurring within and organization that might have some news value to local, regional, or even national media.
What is b. dissemination?
Which of the following is NOT a principle to follow when practicing audience-centered persuasion
a. identification
b. dissemination
c. suggestion of action
d. familiarity and trust

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