DNA | Cells | Insects | |
a. a blueprint for DNA
b. a sequence of genomes c. a small chromosome d. a specific sequence of chemicals in DNA
A gene is
a. fish produce too many nitrates
b. human beings have destroyed too many plants c. human beings use too many fertilizers d. human beings grow crops that don't use very many nitrates
The amount of nitrogen in the soil,water, and air have become unbalanced because
Plant cells have a cell wall, Animal cells do not.
What is one difference between plant and animal cells?
Because the termites all have different jobs to allow the colony to survive and function.
Why is a caste system in a termite colony important?
No two human beings can share the same DNA. True or False?
a. their habitats have become smaller
b. human beings are no longer protecting them c. pollution has increased d. both a and c
Why have some of the everglades animals become endangered?
Because all organisms are made up of cells.
Why do you think cells are called "THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE"?
1. A message to alert danger and 2. a message to tell each other where the food can be found.
What are two messages an insect might communicate by using pheromones?
True or False
Each generation if a fern looks the same
The baobab tree has a large trunk which stores water.
What characteristics of the Baobab Tree allow it to live in a dry environment?
The nucleus of a cell controls what happens inside the cell. True or False?
Pheromones are only produced by insects? True or False
Because every human being has a thousand of genes
The scientist completed mapping the human genome in 2003. Why do you think it took so long?
Food and Water
What are two uses human beings have found for the baobab tree?
So they can change it into a usable form
Why do plants need nitrogen-fixing bacteria?
Termites are types of ants that build tall mounds and eat cellulose? True or False
a. maple trees
b. ferns c. moss d. fungi
Which of the following organisms do not reproduce using spores?
The diversity of plant and animals
What characteristics make the Florida Everglades such an unique ecosystem?
The Everglades is the only place on Earth where both alligators and crocodiles are found. True or False?
A tree that loses its leaves every autumn is a deciduous tree? True or False