Life for Natives and Slaves under the Spanish | The Search for a Northwest Passage | Rivalries among European nations | New France | New Netherland |
A large estate farmed by many workers is called a...
A waterway through or around North America
Define northwest passage
What did Martin Luther's supporters become known as?
Coureurs de Bois
French colonists who lived and worked in the woods were known as______________________.
An agreement between nations to aid and protect one another.
Define alliance
Non-Spanish Carribean Islands or Portuguese Brazil
Name one of the two regions of the Americas that received the largest number of enslaved Africans.
The route around South America seemed too long and difficult.
Why did explorers search for a northwest passage?
Roman Catholic
Until the 1500s, the ____________________ church was the only church in Western Europe.
A person who goes to another land to win convertsfor a religion.
What is a missionary?
New York
The colony of New Netherland is now known as what?
Las Casas
Fill in the blank: Bartolome de___________________ wrote about the harsh conditions Native American slaves suffered in New Spain.
John Cabot found what thought was an island in what continent?
England or Netherlands
Name one of the two countries that was mostly Protestant bythe late 1500s.
Beaver skin and other furs.
What did Coureurs de Bois trade knives, kettles, cloth and other items for?
The fur trade
The French and the Dutch became rivals in what trade?
The royal government of what country made the enslavement on Native Americans illegal?
By what name do we call the new island that John Cabot found?
Protestant Reformation
The movement that supported Martin Luther became known as the _______________________________.
The name of this body of water means "Father of the Waters."
Name the tribe that became allies with French against the Dutch and the Huron tribe.
They would be less likely to die of disease.
Why did Bartolome de Las Casas argue that African slaves should replace Native American laborers?
Henry Hudson
Name the explorer whose crew rebelled and set him adrift, along with his son and seven loyal sailors.
Queen Elizabeth I
Who was the ruler of England in the late 1500s?
He worried that too few French were moving there.
Why did the king of France worry about New France?
The Dutch built trading ports along the _____________ river.