Mixed and Improper | Addition | Subtraction | Multiplication | Word Problems |
Convert 3 4/5 to an improper fraction
4/9 + 2/9 =
13/5 - 10/5 =
1 1/3
5 x 1/3
1/5 of the marbles
Ben has a marble collection. Three fifths of the
marbles are solid colored marbles. One fifth of the marbles are cat’s eyes. What fraction of the marbles are NOT solid colored or cat’s eyes? *Need a label* |
5 2/5
Convert 27/5 to a mixed number
5 1/2
4 3/8 + 1 3/8 =
3 2/7
5 5/7 - 2 3/7 =
7 1/2
10 x 3/4
7/12 are pink flowers
Connie planted 12 flowers. Three of the flowers are red. Two are yellow, and the rest are pink. What fraction of the flowers is pink?
*Need a label* |
4 1/2
Convert 36/8 to a mixed number
19 5/8
6 6/8 + 12 7/8 =
7 2/5 - 6 4/5
12 x 8/3
2 eggs
Mr. Dylan used 5/12 of a carton of eggs to make breakfast Sunday. He used 3/12 of the carton on Monday. How many more eggs did he use on Sunday?
*Need a label* |
Convert 13 4/17 to an improper fraction
8 1/3
52/9 + 23/9 =
7 2/3
14 6/15 - 6 11/15
13 3/13
16 x 43/52
2 2/3 hours
Desiree and 3 of her friends each listened to music for
4/6 of an hour. How long did they listen to music in all? *need label* |