Vocabulary | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 |
Few large companies that control prices for an entire industry
What did corrupt politicians take from landlords to overlook violations?
Women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, NY
What event did Elizabeth Cady Stanton help organize ?
Fair and equal treatment for all
What did the Square Deal promise?
Ku Klux Klan
What group was formed to discriminate African Americans
Investigative reporters who expose corruption
Police, courts, and some newspapers.
What did the Tweed Ring control?
The 19th amendment which allowed women to vote was passed in what year
Meat inspection act. Pure food and drug act
What 2 Acts did Roosevelt supported
Prevent Chinese immigrants from coming to the US
What did the Chinese Exclusion Act do
Government official who investigates and combats business alliances formed to control competition and prices
National Municipal League
What organization was formed to compact political bosses?
They thought drinking was immoral. Alcohol abuse
What is one reason women wanted to ban alcohol?
The progressive party
What party did Roosevelt make?
Segregation became legal
What did Plessy V Ferfuson decide
Unfair treatment, usually based on prejudice toward a certain race, ethic group, religion, age group, or gender
Direct election of senators by voters
What is the 17th amendment ?
National Woman's Party
What party was formed in 1916
16th amendment
Taft supported which amendment
Tuskegee Insititue in Alabama
Booker T Washington founded what in 1881
The right of voters to accept or reject laws
Chicago meatpacking industry
What did the book "The Jungle" describe
Suffragists marched on Washington DC
What happen on March 3, 1913
Woodrow Wilson
Who won the election of 1912
A Red Record
What book did W.E.B Du Bois publish