Price targeting methods | location scarcity |
This is a great form of self-targeting for shoppers that want to search for deals on certain items; also known as bargain shoppers. It is also a great way of beating your competition or causing them to mark up their prices.
Why do grocery stores "mix it up?"
The price difference is too much and would cause people to only buy the less expensive one, driving down organic sales.
Why is the organic(more expensive) option never next to the regular option?
The price difference is too much and would cause people to only buy the less expensive one, driving down organic sales.
What is group targeting?
They will place expensive items at the front of the store and they will hide or make it a hassle to find the less expensive option. Having the expensive option catch your eye when you walk in will have you more likely to buy it.
How do stores use location scarcity inside the store?
We can either see it in the online form of “cookies”, where companies can track what you have bought and give you suggestions or bring down your prices on things you have bought before. We also can see it on airlines, which will give you discounts if you fly a lot or if you're willing to pay extra.
How do we see “individual targeting today”
Companies such as airlines or car dealers will use the scarcity of other dealers or airlines to mark up their prices and eventually target the individual. They will learn what you want to buy and they will target your needs and try and get you to pay the extra .
How do companies use scarcity in price targeting?