Stages of Grief | Discuss how Feelings and Attitudes about Death Differ | Caring for the Dying Resident | Rights of the Dying Resident and Family of the Resident | Common Signs Approaching Death |
What is Bargaining Stage
People who have begun to believe they are dying and make promises to God in order for them to recovery?
What is Experience with Death
Someone who has been through other deaths may have a different understanding of death than someone who has not.
What is apply moisturizer as the lips may be cracked and provide mouth care every two hours.
How do you care for the mouth of an unconscious resident?
What is the right to refuse or accept treatment
What right do the patients have when it comes to providing care?
What is unfocused eyes, blurred or failing vision.
Common sign approaching death associated with the sense of sight
What is Denial Stage
When people refuse to believe they are dying?
What is Personality Type
Open, expressive people may have an easier time talking about and coping with death than those who are very reserved or quiet.
What is give bed baths and incontinence care as needed. Skin should be kept clean and dry. Change sheets and clothes for comfort and keep sheets wrinkle free.
How do you apply skin care to a dying patient?
What is when death is near, it is very emotional and saying goodbye can be a very important part of dealing with one's death. Helps them to have someone in the room and for them not to be alone.
What are the residents rights when it comes to visitors?
What is impaired speak, or difficulty speaking
Common sign approaching death associated with speaking
What is Acceptance Stage
People who are ok with death and begin to prepare for it?
What is Religious Belief
practices and beliefs affect a person's experience with death
What is observe residents for signs of pain and report them. Frequent changes of positive, back massage, skin care, and properly body alignment may help.
How do you provide comfort for a dying resident?
What is they have the right to have privacy when they are alone or visitors come to visit.
What are the residents rights when it comes to privacy?
What is loss of movement and muscle tone, and feeling
Common sign approaching death associated with movement
What is Depression Stage
People who are physically weaker and symptoms of illness get worse?
What is display favorite objects and photographs where the resident can see them, play music if resident requests it, place call bell in reach.
How do you provide the proper environment to a dying resident?
What is hearing
Which sense is usually present until death occurs?
What is cold, pale, spotting, or blotching of skin, poor circulation, mottling (bruised appearance)
Common sign approaching death associated with skin
What is Anger Stage
People who start to become outraged with the fact they are dying?
What is Cultural Background
The practices people grow up with affect how they deal with death.
What is listening, pay attention, provide quiet and reassuring and loving presence of another person.
How do you provide the proper emotional and spiritual support to a dying patient?
What is care of the body after death
Postmortem care can be defined as
What is disorientation or confusion
Common sign approaching death associated with the mind