Europe | United States | Advances and Setbacks | Vocabulary | Misc. |
What is Great Britain
Where the Industrial revolution first spread
What is England
What European country did the United States spy on for industrial advances
Who is Thomas Edison
Man who invented the lightbulb
What is interchangeable parts
Identical parts that can be used in place of one another
What is 1800's
What century did this chapter take place?
What is textile, steam
The rapid advances in the ______ industry, as well as the development of ______ power created a strong British economy.
What is anesthetic
Horace Wells, the dentist, first used _______ as a drug to stop pain?
Who is Albert Einstein
This famous German physicist revolutionized physics with his theory of relativity
What is Transcontinental
Across a contintental
What is the telephone
Alexander Bell invented the?
What is Germany
________ became a major industrial nation by the late 1800’s with strong electrical and chemical industries.
What is Coal and iron ore
What two resources did the United States have that allowed them to use the Bessemer process?
What is steel
_______ output increased and helped other industries expand
What is protective tariff
A tax put on imported goods to encourage consumers to buy those same goods from their own counrty
What is colonialism
The rule of foreign territory for economic and military power
What is Belgium, France, and Germany
Except for the United States, the first nations to industrialize after the British were countries located nearby, what is one?
What is the across-the-continent railroad
The transcontinental Railroad is also known as?
What is Bessemer
Making steel became known as the _____ process
What is colonialism
The rule of a foreign territory for economic fain and military power
What is east to west
The transcontinental railroad went from the ___ coast to the ____ coast
What is France
The _________ offered large rewards to spies who could provide them with information about new industrial technology.
Who are Samuel Slater and Moss Brown
What were the names of the two business men who made a cotton thread factory in America?
What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover
What is industrialrialization
The large-scale introduction of manufacturing, advanced technical enterprises, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc.
What is Alva
What was Thomas Edison's middle name?