Perm Chemical Relaxer Wrapping
What is Acid-balanced waves
Permanent waves that have a 7.0 or neutral PH; because of their higher PH, they process at room temperature. Do not require the added heat of the hair dryer, process more quickly and produce firmer curls than true acid waves.
What is Base cream
Also known as protective base cream; oily cream used to protect the skin and scalp during hair relaxing.
What is Basic Permanet
Also known as straight set wrap; perm wrapping pattern in which all the rods within a panel move in the same direction and are positioned on equal-sized bases;all the base sections are horizontal and are the same length and width as perm rod
What is ammonia-free waves
perms that use an ingredient that does not evaporate as readily as ammonia, so there is very little odor associated with their use.
What is Alkaline waves
Also know as cold waves; have a PH between 9.0 and 9.6 use ammonium thioglycolate (ATG) as the reducing agent, and process at room temperature without the addition of heat.
What is Base direction
Angle at which the rod is positioned on the head (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) also, the directional pattern in which the hair is wrapped.
What is Bookend wrap
Perm wrap in which one end paper is folded in half over the hair ends like an envelope
Cuticle Outer most layer, acts like shingles on the roof.
Cortex- middle layer of hair where chemical services happen
Medulla- innermost lsyer, may be missing on fine hair
Describe Cuticle, Cortex, & Madulla
What is Amino Acid
Compounds made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur
What is Base placement
Refers to the position of the rod in relation to its base section; base placement is determined by the andle at which the hair is wrapped.
What is Brick lay permanent wrap
Perm wrap similar to actival technique of bricklaying; base sections are offset from eachother row by row, to prevent noticeable splitsand to blemd the flow of the hair
Stops the action of the waving solution and rebuilds the hair into it's new curly form
Why do permanent waves need to be neutralized?
What is Ammonium thioglycolate
(ATG) - active ingredient or reducing agent in alkaline perms.
What is base relaxer
Relaxers that require the application of protective base cream to the entire scalp prior to the applocation of the relaxer
What is chemical hair relaxing
A process or service that rearranges the structure of curly hair into straigther or smoother form
Thio relaxers use the same ATG that is used in permanent waving, but at a higher concentration & higher pH above 10
How do thio relaxers straighten the hair.
What is Base control
Position of the tool in relation to its base section, determined by the angle and which the hair is wrapped.
What is base section
Subsections of panels into which hair is divided for perm wrapping; one rod is normally placed on each base section
What is Chemical texture services
Hair services that causes a chemical change that alters the natural wave pattern of the hair
True Acid : pH of 4.5-7.0
Alkaline Waves: pH 9.0-9.6
Whats the pH of alkaline wave & true acid wave

Chapter 20 Chemical Texture Services.

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