First Explorers | Exploration of the world | The Fur Trade | The Catholic Church | Miscellaneous |
What are the years the Vikings landed in Newfoundland?
What is a reason that people explored?
The Europeans needed a quick route to Asia
What is Trade Company Rule?
When France gave monopolies to various companies and in return they would give furs to France
What is the Catholic Church?
Th primary organization in New France
What is Huronia?
Where the Huron lived and farmed
What is the place Spanish colonized from 1492-1502?
South America and Central America
What is mercantilism?
A theory that a country can get rich in gold and silver, partly through colonizing and then selling the resources of that colony
What is the Company of 100 Associates?
A company that got a trade monopoly if they would bring 4000 Catholics to New France
What is the reason that the Church was important?
The Church set up hospitals and schools
What is Acadia?
A crucial region of New France that the British wanted as well
What is the place that Pierre Du Gua de Monts founded?
Port Royal
What is ethnocentrism?
When one culture meets another and each one thinks theirs is better
What is the Company of Habitants?
A company that got the monopoly from the Company of 100 Associates. They made the habitants (French farmers)
What are the Jesuits?
Missionaries from France who were nicknamed "The Black Robes"
What were the first colonies of the 13 Colonies?
Plymouth, Boston and Jamestown
What is the place that the British first colonized?
What are the countries that colonized North America?
England and France
What is a beaver felt hat?
A status symbol in France
What is the reason the Catholic Church went to New France?
The Catholic Church wanted to convert First Nations
What were the reasons that England had the 13 Colonies?
England wanted tobacco and money from taxes
What is the year Jacques Cartier came to the Gulf of St. Lawrence?
What are the places that the Portuguese colonized?
Africa, South America and Central America
What were the Coureur de Bois?
Frenchmen who would go marry First Nations and get furs
Who was Marguerite Bourgeoys?
A nun who helped young women in New France
What are the places that Acadia used to be in
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and parts of Quebec and New Brunswick