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Chaplets, wreaths, and garlands
What were the main floral designs during this period?
Either garlands or wreaths worn on a persons head
What is a chaplet?
A Japanese flower arrangement
What is an ikebana?
A handheld bouquet used for their fragrance and decoration
What is a nose-gay?
What does a ros portray?
Around the holidays or year round
When are wreaths used?
A strand or roping of plants
What is a garland?
Does space and flowing rhythm characterize this design style?
What is another word for nose-gay
What does a white lily stand for?
Stairways and banisters
Where are evergreen garlands (or roping) placed?
What did Egyptians value?
Heaven, man, and earth
What does the placement of three main flowers or branches signify?
Wreaths and garlands
What did the conquering Romans introduce?
What are the flowers most commonly given at Valentines Day?
At banquets and festivals
Where were flowers strewn?
Decorative purposes
What did Egyptians first use flowers for?
Formal or classical style, informal or naturalist style, and abstract or freestyle
What are the three main classifications of Japanese floral arrangements?
The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
In what centuries did the English pick flowers for casual bouquets?
In trays and bowls
Where were flowers and vegetables placed?
On a wall or on a table as a centerpiece
Where may wreaths be placed?
A wide-mouthed bowl with an orderly sequence of a fully opened water lily, then leaf, and then a bud, repeating around the bowl
What would a typical arrangement look like?
Heaven, man, and earth
What does shin, soe, and tai stand for?
Knot of flowers
What does the word tuzzy mean?
Church and state occasions
What were colorful floral designs used for?