Urban Growth | Cultural Shifts | A Revival of Learning | Italian City-States | Florence |
Who are migrants?
The labor force for this economic expansion came from ___________ who moved from manors to towns.
What are changes?
Booming trade and towns lead to new _________.
What is a revival of culture?
The Renaissance was a _________.
What are the 1300s?
When was Italy divided into different city-states?
What is the renaissance?
What started in the city of Florence?
What is paid?
Peasants were drawn to towns by the promise of getting _________ for their work.
What is learning?
The new changes include a change in _________.
What are the 1300s?
In Italy, around the ______ trends came together to create what scholars call the Renaissance.
What is thinking?
Growth promoted new ways of _________.
What is banking?
Florence was not a major port, instead, it was a center of __________.
What are towns?
Nobles were attracted to __________ for economic reasons.
What is Cultural?
These shifts were _______.
What are fourteenth and sixteenth?
The Renaissance traveled through Europe between the _______ and ________ centuries.
What is the power and status of merchants and bankers?
What did old aristocrats have to compete with?
What is inland?
Florence was located ________.
What is public office?
Nobles saw opportunities to make money by buying property and holding _________.
What is the Catholic Church?
For centuries learning had been based in the ____________.
What is rebirth?
The word Renaissance is French for ______.
What are art and learning?
The newly wealthy became patrons for what.
What is the Medici family?
One of the most important families of bankers was the __________ family.
What is the mercantile middle class?
In Italian cities, the rural nobility married into the _______________ to form a new urban aristocracy.
What is theology?
Even when universities appeared across Europe's cities, __________ was still the most important subject
What are Rome and Greece?
The revival began because of an increased interest in the ancient civilizations of ______ and ________.
What is the mercantile class?
Becoming patrons of artists increased the members of ______________.
Who is Lorenzo de’ Medici?
_____________ spent a lot of money on artistic and architectural projects to put a good reputation for his family.