Fishing | Mining | Lumber |
What is commercial, recreational, and Native American fishers.
Who are the salmon caught by?
What is 19th century.
What century was coal mining important economic activity?
What is 140 years.
Oregon has been a national leader in lumber production over how many years?
What isColumbia River, Puget Sound, and the Straight of Juan da fuca.
What are the major commercial salmon fishing locations in the North Pacific?
What is 1980's.
Since what year has coal been strip mined near Centralia Washington?
What is 70,000.
Approximately how many people are employed in the lumber industry?
What is gill nets, purse seine and trolling techniques
.What methods do the commercial, recreational and Native Americans use to harvest salmon?
What is 20th century.
Since what century was mining for gold profitable?
What is lumber, plywood, pulp and paper, and sawlogs.
What are the four major forest products in the Pacific Northwest?
What is 1867.
The salmon canneries have been in the Pacific Northwest since what year?
What is one-half billion dollars annually.
How much money does metallic and nonmetallic mineral production in Washington?
What is 3.4 billion feet.
Idaho harvests how many feet of timber?
What is Washington and Oregon.
Who are the shellfish and seafood industries important contributors to the economics of?
What is Northeastern and Central Washington.
Who are the leaders in the gold mining?
What is Douglas Fir.
What is the most abundant tree in the Pacific Northwest?