Vocabulary | Functions/Jobs | Testing Options | Conditions | Trivia |
Blood in the urine
Major and minor calyces
Carry urine from the nephrons to the renal pelvis
Analyzes urine
Disease of the kidney
How many kidneys do we have?
Renal vein
The major blood vessel that carries blood away from the kidneys
Renal pelvis
Collects urine
Test to determine how acidic or alkaline a substance is
Diabetes mellitus
Increased levels of blood glucose and little secretion of insulin
All the blood in our body is filtered ___ times through the kidneys every day.
Kidney stones
Stones formed by many substances such as calcium or uric acid
Renal corpuscle
Filters the kidney
Blood urea nitrogen tests
Test assessing kidney health by measuring the amount of urea in the blood
Inflammation of the kidney
5 hours
Urine stays in the bladder for how many hours before discharge?
Tube that connects the pelvis of the kidney to the bladder
Collecting duct
Collects fluid from nephrons
Urine specific gravity test
Used to mainly diagnose central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Fibrotic or scarring changes of the kidney
The female urethra is shorter in length than the male urethra.
Women get more UTIs compared to men due to...
A procedure in which a fiberoptic endoscope is threaded up the urethra to view the ureter
Insures glomerular filtration is regulated and remains unaffected by changes in blood pressure
Genetic testing
Evaluates patient history through genetics
Inflammatory disease of the glomerular capsular membranes of the kidney
Drink enough water
The color of your urine can reflect if you...