History of Astronomy | All About Stars | Here Comes the Sun | Galaxy Quest | Constellation Station |
Who is Galileo?
This man was responsible for inventing the telescope.
What is a star's color?
This determines a star's temperature.
What is thermal and light energy?
This is the kind of energy that is given off by the Sun.
What a spiral galaxy?
This type of galaxy can also be called a "sombrero galaxy."
What is a constellation?
This is a group of stars that form a pattern.
What is a reflecting telescope?
This invention, developed by Newton, used a curved mirror to sharpen detail in far away objects.
What is a nebula?
This cloud of space dust and gas is where stars are born.
What are hydrogen and helium?
The Sun is mainly composed of chemical reactions between these two gases.
What are irregular galaxies?
These galaxies have no discernible shape.
What is Polaris, or the North Star?
This star is a part of the Little Dipper, and acts as an "anchor" in the Northern Hemisphere.
What are the sun, moon, and stars?
Buildings and other structure were left behind to show that the movements of these heavenly bodies were important to the ancient peoples
What is a supernova?
The name for an explosion that ends the life of a star.
What are sunspots?
These places appear dark on the face of the sun, because of their cooler temperature.
What is an elliptical galazy?
These galaxies are shaped like a football.
What are myths and legends?
The shape of constellations are often based on these.
What is a lunar ecplise?
This event was occurs when Earth casts a shadow on the moon.
What is a black hole?
The leftover core of a massive star will begin to collapse in on itself, causing what?
What is a solar flare?
This occurs when part of the chromosphere erupts like a volcano.
What is a galaxy?
This is a huge center of stars, dust, and gas, held together by gravity.
What is Ursa Major?
This constellation contains what is known in the Northern Hemisphere as the Big Dipper.
What are calendars?
Patterns in seasons, and movements of the stars, led to the creation of what?
What is a red supergiant?
This is a name for a very large, cold, star.
What is East?
The Sun rises in this direction.
What is a black hole?
This often lies at the center of a galaxy.
What is the Earth's movement around the Sun?
Constellations change with the seasons because of this.