The skeletal system | Joints | Bones fracture, not break! | Problems with your joints |
What is the axial skeleton?
This section of the skeletal system includes the 80 bones that make up the skull, vertebral column, and ribcage.
What is a hinge joint?
Provides movement in one direction. (example: knees and elbows)
What is a simple fracture?
A bone break where the skin is still in tact.
What is a ligament
This tears during a dislocation
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
Provide framework capable of movement, support and protect internal organs, store minerals, and produce body's blood cells.
What is a gliding joint?
Allows bones to slide over one another without twisting. (examples: wrist and ankle)
What is a compound fracture?
A bone break where the bone has broken through the skin
What is bursitis?
When a bursa becomes inflamed
What is the total number of bones in the human body?
What is a ball and socket joint?
Provides movement in all directions. (Examples: hips and shoulders)
When a bone is broke into two pieces
What is a transverse fracture
What is S shape or C shape curvature of the spine
What is ossification?
The process by which new bone material is laid down by cells called osteoblasts.
What is pivot joint?
Provides limited rotation (examples: head and neck)
The process of osteoporosis can be slowed down by what?
What is getting lots of calcium
What is an overuse injury?
A shin splint is common among runners and aggressive walkers
This is the soft tissue in the center of some bones?
What is a joint?
The point at which 2 bones meet.
What is a comminuted fracture?
A bone shatters into many pieces.
Rest Ice Compression Elevate
What does P.R.I.C.E. stand for?