Pronombres relativos | Mandatos formales | Mandatos irregulares |
They take two independent statements that share a common noun and join them together as one statement.
What are relative pronouns used for?
People who you address in the Usted and Ustedes forms.
Formal commands are used for who? |
de, den
What is 'dar' in the command forms |
Que, quien/es or lo que.
What are the relative pronoun options in Spanish? |
Limpie, limpien
Make 'limpiar' a command in both forms. |
este, esten
What is 'estar' in the command forms. |
Quien or quienes
Which relative pronouns can only refer to people and not things? |
Diga, digan
Make 'Decir' a command in both forms. |
vaya, vayan
What is 'ir' in the command forms |
Que because it can refer to people or things.
Which relative pronoun is used most often and why? |
vuelva, vuelvan
Make 'Volver' a command in both forms. |
sea, sean
What is 'ser' in the command forms |
An idea, not a person or thing.
'Lo que' is used in reference to what? |
Almuerce, almuercen
Make 'Almorzar' a command in both forms. |
You simply add a no in front of the affirmative formal command forms.
How do you form negative formal commands? |