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What is a Gladiator?
Armed men who the Roman's loved to watch fight and kill other men
What are martyrs?
Christians who willingly gave up their lives rather than deny their Lord.
What is a manor?
The peasants lived on the lord's land called this...
Who is Apostle Paul?
First great missionary of the Christian Church
Who is Charlemane?
Crowned emperor of the Romans by the Pope
What are lords?
Land owners that poor people like peasants worked for for protection.
What are monks?
Church men who separated themselves from the world
What is a convent?
The place where nuns lived
Who is Nero?
Emperor who made it a crime to be a Christian
Who is Otto the Great?
First Holy Roman Emperor
Who are serfs?
Alongside the peasants, these group poor people promised to work for land owners for protection.
Who are hermits and friars?
Monks who chose to live alone and monks who traveled and taught (2 answers)
What are monasteries?
The place where monks lived.
Who is Polycarp?
Elderly martyr who refused to blaspheme
What are crusades?
Eight different attempts to retake Jerusalem
What is a knight?
Trained warriors kept by the land owners (lords) who stood to ward off any enemies.
What are heritics?
People who refused to obey the Roman Catholic church
What is a Colosseum?
Huge outdoor arena where gladiators fought.
Who is Blandina?
Slave girl martyred in Gaul
What is an inquisition?
A special court set up to find and kill heretics
What is a lady?
The wives of land owners.
What are barbarians?
People with many cruel habits including going on drunken sprees and killing one another.
What are catacombs?
Vast underground passages and rooms which were used by cemeteries where many Christians could safely worship
Who is Tertullian?
African Christian who said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.
What is the Printing Press?
The most important invention in the history of the world