Factors that Measure Weather Cycles that affect weather High/Low Pressure Systems The Water Cycle
What is temperature?
This measures how fast air molecules are moving.
What is a front?
The boundary between cold and warm air masses is called this
What is cloudy weather?
Areas of low pressure usually have this type of weather.
What is the Sun?
This ultimately drives the water cycle
What is an air mass?
A(n) __________ is a large body of air that has the same properties as the Earth's surface over which it develops.
What is the afternoon?
During this time of the day, the Sun's energy is spread over a larger area.
What is high pressure?
Good weather is formed when this system comes through and the air masses sink, making it difficult for clouds to form.
What is preciptation?
When water, in liquid or solid form, falls from the atmosphere it is called this.
What is air pressure?
Pressure that a column of air exerts on the air below it is called this.
What is tropical Pacific Ocean?
El NiƱo is a climate event that starts here and sets off changes in the atmosphere.
What is surface air pressure?
As air moves down, this increases.
What is condensation?
When you exhale on a cold morning, you see what looks like fog coming out with your breath. This is an example of this step in the water cycle.
What is weather?
Atmospheric conditions, along with short-term changes, of a particular place at a particular time is called this
What are June, July and August?
the most solar radiation reaches the northern hemisphere during these months.
What is high-pressure?
This type of system is associated with fair weather
What is the water cycle?
The process by which water constantly moves between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere is called this.
What is high humidity?
This causes your skin feels sticky and sweaty on a hot summer day.
What is the tilt of the earth?
Seasons are caused by differences in daylight, temperature, and weather patterns due to this.
What is a low-pressure system?
On satellite images, areas represented with cloud cover are most likely showing this type of pressure system.
What is the hydrosphere?
This term is used to describe all of the water at Earth's surface.

Chapter 11 Weather

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