Termonolgy Relating Quotes to FSP Micellaneous
When feelings help direct logic and reason.
What is an emotional bookmark?
(Answer may vary)
"Fear is good. Too much fear is not."
They believed it was the same mountain they been to before and realized quickly it was not.
How did the snowmobilers in "Deep Survival" fail to update their mental models?
It gives the person a new read on their environment. They are able to see the bigger picture, not just what they are going through.
How does updating a mental map help someone survive?
(Answer may vary)
"Turning fear into focus is the first act of survival."
True or false, any one can be a perfect survivor?
The risk taken can be the difference between life and death. Surviving is risky and requires taking chances to see what does and does not work.
Why is it important to practice risk homeostasis in a survival situation?
(Answer may vary)
"I do not want to sit frozen in fear until the end comes. Focus, I tell myself. Focus and get moving."
They were focused on the main objective that they were assinged and they did not pay attention to the obvious.
Why the basketball players fail to see the gorilla in Chapter 4?

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