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The Justinian Code
What code was Justinian famous for?
A liquid thrown onto enemy ships as to light them on fire
What is Greek Fire?
God the Father
Jesus, the Son of God The Trinity (only need one)
Christianity believes in...
1530 A.D.
What year was Ivan the Terrible born?
What religion did Constantine avidly promote?
A collection of Roman laws
What is the Justinian Code?
What leader promoted Christianity throughout his reign?
330 A.D.
The beginning of the Byzantine Empire can be traced back to what date?
What great city did Constantine develop?
What great city did Constantine develop?
Nobles next in rank to the prince that made up the council
Define Boyars.
God the Father
Jesus The Holy Ghost
By believing in the Trinity, Christians believed in what three beings?
324 A.D.
Constantine became sole emperor in what year?
In 1547 Ivan the Terrible became the first Russian ruler to be crowned what?
The goods brought from a wife unto her husband upon marriage
Define Dowry.
Traders and Greek missionaries
Who brought Christianity to Kieven, Russia in 800 A.D.?
527 A.D.
When did Justinian die?
3 years old
How old was Ivan the Terrible when he became prince?
A place with many trees and a lot of rainfall
Define Taiga
1054 A.D.
The Christian church split in what year?
1019-1094 A.D.
Yaroslav I ruled from what year to what year?