Vocation | Miscellaneous | Sin & Repentance | 10 Commandments | Virtues |
What is, "Marriage, Holy Orders, and consecrated life"
Name the three vocational states of life
What is, "Perfect contrition and imperfect contrition"
Name the two types of contrition
What is," The Act of Contrition"
Name the prayer you say during the sacrament of Penance.
What is" I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me."
Name the First Commandment
What is, "the habitual and firm disposition to do good"
Define Virtue
What is, the "Universal call to holiness"
This refers to the fact that every baptized person is called to seek holiness regardless of his or her state in life.
What is, "Object, Intention, and Circumstances"
Name the three elements of a moral action
What is, "A sin of omission"
This sin is when we commit by failing to do a good act we should do, or by choosing not to do something that is right.
What is, " You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Name the 8th Commandment
What is, "Faith, Hope, Charity (love)"
Name the three Theological virtues
What is," Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience"
Name the three Evangelical Counsels
What is, "The domestic church"
The Christian family, where children are introduced to the faith, taught how to pray and raised in the moral virtues is referred to as
What is, "Serious, full knowledge, fully consent"
For a sin to be considered mortal, what three conditions must be met?
What is, "anger/holding grudges
Christ taught that the Fifth Commandment forbids not just murder but also sins such as
What is, " Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance"
Name the four Cardinal virtues
What is, "The Last Supper"
When was the Sacrament of Holy Orders instituted by Christ?
What is, "Mortification"
The term to describe Christian self-denial
What is "Actual sin" (or personal sin)
Sins that a person commits (versus sin that is inherited as part of the human condition) are called
What is, "Fulfill"
The Beatitudes _____ the 10 Commandments.
What is, "Charity"
Adam dislikes the chore of taking out the trash. Whenever he has to it he does not allow himself to complain but offers up the tasks as a gift for God. What virtue is he displaying?
Who is, "St. Josemaria Escriva"
This Saint was highlighted in Chapter 10 as a witness to Christ. He formed a ministry called "Opus Dei" which still exists today.
What is," Attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation, Receive the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year, Recieve the Eucharist at least once during the Easter season, Observe the required days of fasting and abstinence, Provide for the needs of the Church
Name the five precepts of the Church
What is, "The words of absolution".
What is the form of the sacrament of Penance?
What is, "Sinai"
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments on Mount _______.
What is,"Baptism"
When do you FIRST receive the theological virtues?