Healthcare | Healthcare Workers | Legal |
What is and HMO
Health Maintenance Organization
What is how should your hair be for work in the healthcare field
Off the collar or pinned back
What is negligence defamation malpractice fall under
What is PPO
Preferred Provider Organization
What types of communication are there
Verbal and Nonverbal
What type of leader functions like a dictator
What is HIPAA
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What can put stress on the muscles and lead to injury later
Poor posture
What is the legal term to write bad things about someone
What is a DRG
Diagnostic Related Group
What are all the reasons to not have long nails
Tear gloves, cause injury, spread germs
What is a legal document that let's you make your own health decisions at times when you physically can't.
Living Will
What is OBRA
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
What is the ability to say or do the most kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation
Who does health care records belong to
Healthcare Provider or Facility