Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
What is WHMIS
Provides detaied information on how to store, handle, and dispose of any chemical found in the workplace.
What is the periodic table.
A chart containing periods and groups that organize all of the elements.
What is a gas.
Particles are loosely packed and move freely.
What are non-metanls.
The elements that are located on the right side of the periodic table.
What is a soild.
Particles are closely packed and move very little.
What are metals.
Have luster, malleable, doilds, good conductors of heat and electricity.
What is a liquid.
Particles are farther apart than in a soild and move around a bit.
What are non-metals.
dull, brittle, soild or gas, poor conductors of heat and electricity.
What is a pure substance.
is made of only one type of partice and all the parts of the subtstance are identical. For example distilled water.
What is a decomposition reaction.
The process of breaking down compounds into simpler sunstances.