Matter | States of Matter | Measurement | When Matter Changes |
What is anything that takes up space and has weight called?
Solid, liquid, and gas
What are the three forms of matter?
Length is a property of matter that can be _____________________ with a ruler.
a mixture
What is a salad containing different kinds of fruit called?
It would be empty.
BONUS QUESTION!!! $700 What would a glass look like that contained only a gas?
Solid, liquid, and gas are the three ______________ of matter.
a balance
What tool can we use to measure mass?
A chemical change takes place when one kind of matter changes into a _________________ kind of matter.
Answers vary.
Name an object in the room made of matter and list two properties of that object.
What state of matter is water vapor?
What property of matter measured the amount of space that an object takes up?
Physical change
What kind of change can matter go through and still be the same kind of matter?
size, shape, color, etc.
What are some examples of properties?
What is it called when water moves from a liquid to a gas?
What is the amount of matter in an object called?
Physical change
Which kind of change is reversible?
What can you observe with your senses?
Matter moves from a gas state to a liquid state when it changes into water droplets on a cup of ice water. When this happens, the water vapor ________________.
What property of matter is measured in liters or milliliters?
Chemical change
What kind of change happens when one kind of matter changes into a different kind of matter?