Physical or chemical? | Vocabulary | True or False | Random | Random #2 |
What is physical
Evaporating water
What is Matter
Something that has mass and volume
What is False
burning paper to a pile of ashes is a physical change
What is The same as the Lego Stick.
Lego pieces are put together to create a stick. The pieces are than taken apart and weighed. The weight of the pieces will be????
What is Burning it
One can change a piece of paper chemically by??
What is Chemical
Boiling/Cooking an egg
What is Physical
Change in form of matter, but not its identity
What is False
Liquid water weighs less than frozen water
What is Solid, Liquid, Gas
What are the three states of matter?
What is Gas
Solid liquid or gas???
Carbon Dioxide? |
What is Physical
Microwaving ivory soap
What is Chemical
One or more substances changed to form a new substance
What is True
Matter can be changed
What is Changes to a Liquid
What physical change does ice have when left out in a room?
What is Solid
solid, liquid, or gas?
Cookie? |
What is Chemical
Mixing vinegar and baking soda
What is Product
Something that is made
What is true
mixing baking soda and vinegar creates a chemical change
What is the same amount of baking soda
If baking soda is put into a cup of water and dissolved and the water evaporates, what will be left?
What is Liquid
Solid liquid or gas?
Paint |
What is Chemical
Burning wood
What is Reactant
Things put into reaction (ingredients)
What is True
Matter is neither destroyed or created
What is Color, Temperature, and state of matter (Solid, Liquid, Gas)
What are three indicators of a Chemical Reaction?
What is Physical Change
When packing peanuts are placed in acetone, what is the result? (Chemical or physical)