Second Conjugation | Latin to English translation | Pronouns | English to Latin translation | First conjugation |
Moneo - to warn or advise
What is the example word for the second conjugation and its meaning?
We will advise the leader.
Ducem monebimus.
ego, mei, mihi, me, me
Please give the 5 first person singular pronouns (one for each case)
Christiani Deum timent.
Christians fear God.
laudo - praise
What is the example word for the first conjugation and its meaning?
moneo, monere, monui, monitus
Please give all 4 principal parts of moneo
They were terrifying the great/large people/nation.
Populum magnum terrebant.
nos, nostri/nostrum, nobis, nos, nobis
Please give the 6 first person plural pronouns
Ego tibi praemium dabo.
I shall give you (singular) a reward.
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus
What are its 4 principle parts?
moneo, mones, monet, monemus, monetis, monent
Please give all 6 of the present tense endings for moneo.
I was giving the swords to the soldiers.
Ego militibus gladios dabam.
tu, tui, tibi, te, te
Please give the 5 second person singular pronouns.
Multi homines in pace fortis sunt
Many men are brave in peace.
laudo, laudas, laudat, laudamus, laudatis, laudant
Please give all 6 present tense endings for laudo?
monebam, monebas, monebat, monebamus, monebatis, monebant
Please give all 6 of the imperfect tense endings for moneo.
Are you all Christians?
Vos omnes Christiani estis?
vos, vestri/vestrum, vobis, vos, vobis
Please give the 6 second person plural pronouns.
Gladius nos non terret neque imperium mundi.
The sword does not terrify us, nor the power of the world.
laudabam, laudabas, laudabat, laudabamus,laudabatis, laudabant
Please give all 6 imperfect endings for laudo?
monebo, monebis, monebit, monebimus, monebitis, monebunt
Please give all 6 future endings for moneo
We do not praise the gods of the Romans because they do not give us truth.
Nos deos Romanorum non laudamus quod nobis veritam non dant.
Dominus vobiscum est. or Dominus est cum vobis.
Translate "The Lord is with you (plural)."
Christus est Filius Dei et tamen frater omnium hominum.
Christ is the Son of God and nevertheless the brother of all men.
laudabo, laudabis, laudabit, laudabimus, laudabitis, laudabunt
Please give all 6 future endings for laudo?