The Rise of Russia | The Rise of Russia | The Rise of Russia | The Rise of Russia | The Rise of Russia |
Who are people that make maps?
What was the nomadic group called who threatened Russia from the Steppe?
What does Czar mean?
Ivan the Great
What was Grand Prince Ivan III known as?
religious art, architecture, and music
What cultural influences did Russia adopt from the Byzantine Empire?
Slavic and Viking
What people blended to make the first people we call Russians?
What is it called when money is paid for protection?
Time of Troubles
What was the period of time called when Boris Godunov claimed the throne?
What was the group called that was created to enforce Ivan IV's will by killing boyars and destroying towns?
What were the Vikings known as who were expert sailors, merchants, and raiders?
Universal Ruler
What does Genghis khan mean?
What were the Russian nobles called?
Where did the princes of Moscow defeat the Mongols?
After Kiev was destroyed, what became the capital and religious center of Russia?
Tundra-frozen plain without tress, no one lives there.
Steppe- great plain with few trees Forests- covers more than half the land, fertile soil for farming
List the three broad areas of Russia and describe them.
In 1203, when Kiev was destroyed, what group finally invaded and took over?
He sent advisors to observe how people worship around the world.
How did Prince Vladimir decide what religion to follow?
Genghis Khan
Who was the great leader that united the Mongol tribes?
Mongols protected Moscow but the princes had to give them tax money.
What deal did the Mongols have with the princes of Moscow?
The gap between them continued to grow. The rich got wealthier, more powerful, and gained more land. The poor paid higher taxes and fell more into debt.
What was the situation like between the rich and the poor?
He became unstable.
What happened to Ivan IV after his wife died?
Eastern Orthodox Christian
What religion did Prince Vladimir decide to worship?
Ivan the Terrible
What was the nickname given to Ivan IV?