Definitions | Color schemes | Nature and uses of color | Optical color |
The most expressive element of art
What is the definition of color?
A color scheme that uses only one hue and the tense and shade of the hue.
What is monochromatic color scheme?
What is made up of three basic ingredients?
Hue is the name of a color in the color spectrum.
What is hue?
Colors that sit side by side on the color wheel.
What is analogous color?
The liquid that controls the thickness or the thinness of the paint is?
Value is the art element that describes the darkness or the lightness of a color.
What if value?
Color triads
What is composed of three colors spaced an equal distance apart on the color wheel?
Eyes are pigments that dissolve in liquid
What are dyes?
The brightness or dullness of a hue.
What is intensity?
Complementary colors
What is the strongest contrast of the hue?
Animals, vegetables and minerals
Where did pigments come from?
The colors opposite from each other on the color wheel.
What are complementary colors?
The combination of one or hue plus the hues on each side of its complement
What is split complements?
Express thoughts
Artists use color to?