Rhythm, Accent & Meter | Metrical Patterns in Music | Rhythms in Everyday Life | Creative Rhythms | More Terminology |
This is a unit of musical time, like a heartbeat
This word means "two" in music
This musical troupe uses "found items" to create an interesting visual and sonic experience
Scott Joplin
This African-American is arguably the best-known ragtime composer of all time
All instruments of voices playing the same pitch
The aural aspect of music in which a certain number of beats are grouped together
mixed meter
Rimsky-Korsakov used this technique in his piece, "Procession of Nobles"
The way music paces itself and moves through time
Blue Man Group
This group takes very simple musical ideas and makes them sound richly complex by subdividing beats
Very loud
The emphasis placed on a musical sound
Melodic Rhythm
Ms. Moore clapped the rhythm to "Happy Birthday" to demonstrate this concept
Spontaneous musical invention
A repeating musical figure
An "ostinato" is this
Duple meter
Marked by beats grouped into sets of 2
This musician must have good coordination and be able to play several rhythms with different parts of his or her body simultaneously
Ludwig van Beethoven
Melodic Rhythm was displayed in this composer's "Symphony No.7"
Bamileke people
Iron bells are found in the music of these people from Cameroon
The 19th century
Ragtime was popular during the early part of this century
Very soft
A division of beats into defined groups separated by a bar line
his hearing
Early in his life, Beethoven began to lose this ability
This involves the deliberate shift of accents so that it conflicts with the steady beat. It creates a feeling of imbalance, a teasing and thwarting of the steady beat
The ____________ musician uses improvisation heavily
A combination of two or more contrasting rhythmic patterns played at the same time