Animals | TV/Movie | Art | Games | Random |
What is an anaconda
The worlds largest snake
What is a mouse
What kind of animal is Stewart Little
What is origami
The art of paper folding is called this
What is tag
Kids run around trying to avoid getting touched
What is Mercury
Closest Planet to Earth
What is a bat
the only mammal that can fly
What is Tangled
The name is the movie about Rapunzel
What is crayons
This art supply is mostly made of wax
What is hop scotch
you use chalk and jump around on one or two feet
What is Asia
The Largest Continent in the World
What is a peacock
This bird is known for its beautiful tail
What is kryptonite
This is Superman's weakness
What is Leonardo DaVinci
This artist painted the Mona Lisa
What is Simon
A game where someone tells you what to do, and when he says it, you must do it...what is his name?
Most people fall asleep in how many minutes?
What is Orca/ Killer Whale
The world's fastest sea animal
What is Avengers Endgame
What movie made the most money of all time
What is red, yellow, blue
Name a primary color
What is duck, duck, goose
everyone sits in a circle and one person chooses someone to chase around the circle
What is Cow
What animal can walk upstairs but not down?
What is elephant
What Animal is pregnant for 22 months
What is The Smurfs
What Blue-skinned cartoon characters aired their first episode in 1981
What is a collage
What do you call a combination of magazine cut-outs, pictures, cloth, and other objects?
What is Legos
These interlocking bricks were originally made from wood
What is Dalmatians, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, Mulan
What is a Disney movie where both parents are alive throughout the whole movie?