Ambulatory Organizer | Encounters | Message Center | Comprehensive Intake Form | IView |
What is the resource drop down box!!!
The best way to view specific visits for resources on the Ambulatory Organizer
What is a Clinic encounter!!!
The type of encounter that a patient would have for a follow up visit in a year
What is a reminder!!!
The type of communication that would you perform to remember an event at a specific time
What is an asterisk (or a pink field)!!!
The way that you know an item is required on a form
What is View - Layout - Navigator Bands!!!
The area for adding and arranging document types into IView.
What is selecting the date or utilizing the arrows at the top right corner of the Ambulatory Organizer!!!
A method for navigating to specific days on the Ambulatory Organizer
What is a Recurring encounter!!!
The type of encounter that would be assigned to a patient for an infusion treatment
What is a subject!!!
The place where you you can enter the topic of your message
What is the clinical calculator!!!
You can utilize this to do common measurement conversions including Temperature (F - C).
What is the REFRESH button!!!
This can be done to ensure that all recent charted values are appearing in IView
What is clicking on the column headers!!!
The way that items on the Ambulatory Organizer can be sorted in ascending or descending order
What is the AAA Message encounter!!!
The type of encounter that can be selected for general phone messages
What is a template!!!
Pre-built items that enable you to select a specific structure for your message
What is the green check mark in the upper left corner!!!
The way that you sign off on the form.
What is the red exclamation mark!!!
This symbol indicates that an item is critical or high
What is the Calendar tab!!!!
The method for viewing a single provider's schedule and template slots
What is a Clinic Recurring encounter!!!
The type of encounter utilized for clinic visits that occur frequently for a patient
What is the checkbox for "Include me"!!!!
An option that enables you to send a message to yourself
What is the Family History!!!
The area where information is charted about family members
What is the pencil icon!!!
The way that you can customize your IView and select or remove specific details in IView
What is the color bar (or the status field)!!!
The way that you can tell a patient is checked in for their appointment
What is the Outpatient encounter!!!
The type of encounter that's utilized for inpatient transfers to the MCI
What is a message pool!!!
The groups that you can associate with to view specific messages
What is the pencil icon!!!
The way that you can tell that an allergy response has been entered as free text
What is BEFORE the data is entered!!!
The best time to set the date and time for a column of information to be charted.