TJ Days | Appointment days | JSR | Retention |
What is 10 o clock and 2:15.
Breaks are generally taken around these times.
What is homework.
A key part of Job coaching - participants are expected to complete this on their own time.
What are good TJ scores, solid interview skills, consistent attendance and professional behavior with peers and supervisor.
What makes a participant JSR?
What is 365 days after placement.
Retention services are provided for this length of time.
What is listening to music.
Doing this activity on the job puts you and your coworkers at higher risk of an accident or injury
What is False - Appointment days should be used for medical appointments, homework, resume writing, interview practice, conviction question etc.
True/False - Appointment days are an additional day of for the week.
What is false. Participants will partner with the job developer in finding employment.
I'm not expected to find my own employment as that is the role of my job developer.
What is speak with retention specialist (Justin) regarding a better fit.
If the current job is not a good fit, what should you do?
What is a water break.
During this type of break, smoking, cellphones, sitting and goofing off are not allowed.
What is nope.
True/False - I'm allowed to skip appointment days if I have other priorities including errands or grocery shopping.
What is false. JSR Participants are consistently held to the same expectations they met to receive this status.
Once I'm granted JSR, I remain in this status for the entirety of the program.
What are rapid rewards.
This incentive provides participants with cash as they maintain employment throughout the first 365 days of employment.
What is helmet, vest, 2 pair of gloves, work pants/jeans, goggles and boots
What is considered PPE.
What is rarely and in very special, pre-approved circumstances.
When am I allowed to work and be scheduled on appointment days.
What is false. Being JSR means to stay ready through consistent practice and positive behavior.
Now that I am JSR, I do not have to continue practice interview skills because I'm "ready."
What is two weeks.
How much time must past before leaving a job and returning to CEO.
What is intervention or taken off crew.
Moving forward, there is a zero tolerance policy on headphones at work. What will happen if this continues to be a safety issue.
What is intervention and taken off crew.
If your job coach/job developer assigns a job activity and you decide not to complete or work on it, What is the likely outcome.
What is a JSR Assessment. Participants will work with their job developer to explore TJ scores, attendance records, behavior on crew and assess interview skills. The job developer will assist participant in improving in needed ares.
How does a participant find out if they are JSR?
What is every 30 days.
Rapid rewards are given out for the following milestones.